What are the eligibility criteria to access NDIS funding?
Unsure whether your medical condition would be likely to meet access requirements for the NDIS? We’ll help you find some clarity on whether you fit the eligibility criteria.
In summary, to be eligible you must:
- Be under 65 years of age (My Aged Care applies to people over 65)
- Be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident, or a Protected Special Category Visa holder
- Live in Australia
- Have a disability caused by a permanent impairment or a condition that is likely to be permanent (lifelong)
- Need disability-specific supports to complete daily life activities
Needed Support Requirements
Do you generally need support from a person or aiding equipment to maintain your daily life?
You could need support doing everyday jobs inside or outside the house, managing finances or other paperwork or even managing mental health.
If you currently need support for your day-to-day life, you may be eligible – and benefit from – NDIS services and supports.
Early Intervention Requirements
Would it help reduce support needs in the future if you were to access them now?
You might be eligible for ‘early intervention’ access to the NDIS if there is evidence that getting support now (early interventions) will help reduce your support needs in the future.
It is definitely worth checking what your options are and asking yourself if your condition is likely to change in the future. For example diseases like Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and other progressive neurological diseases (PND) or other immune diseases are variable and unpredictable and it is important that you have access to the support you need both now and in the future.
What If I’m Not Eligible?
To ensure you receive the right support it’s important to find out if you’re eligible for the NDIS by completing your registration and assessment in your area.
If you are not eligible for NDIS, aged under 65 years, and have a disability or other condition that restricts your ability to carry out everyday activities, you may be eligible for disability & health services through a variety of programs in NSW.
If you are over the age of 65 (or over 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders), you may be eligible for aged home care services through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).
There may also be other options for you, don’t shy away from finding out whether funding and support is something you are able to access.
Reach out to us to learn more about your eligibility for funding and support.
How Do I Register?
Call us now on (02) 4607 2697 for assistance to contact NDIA to start your NDIS registration and find out if you’re eligible.
Get help where needed
Contact us to receive more information about your options for support and funding also OUTSIDE the NDIS in the Campbelltown area, Sydney NSW.
Got questions? Feel free to give us a call anytime, we’re here to help.
Read about the 6 Benefits of NDIS Support Coordination.