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NDIS Plan Managers

NDIS Plan Management Gold Coast

We specialise in NDIS Pre-Planning in the Gold Coast area because we know that getting ready for your planning meeting can be daunting. Once you know you are eligible for the NDIS it is a good idea to start thinking about your NDIS planning meeting and what goals and outcomes you would like to achieve with NDIS planning Gold Coast.

Our Pre-Planning meetings will help you understand the planning process and discuss your needs, goals and aspirations. We get you to think about the types of services and supports you would like and we help you think outside the box so that you can maximise all that the NDIS has to offer.

The NDIS application and planning process can feel like a bit of a maze at times, but with the Correlate Connections team helping you along the journey you will know that you are heading in the right direction at all times. We will even come to your planning meeting and support you through that process too if that is something you feel would be helpful. Contact us to receive more information about your NDIS planning process in Gold Coast.


What happens in an NDIS planning meeting?

Your planning meeting will be run by a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or an NDIA staff member in Gold Coast. You should expect a lot of questions about your current support services, daily living activities and your goals. This information lets the NDIA know how much support you need for the next year.

Your planning meeting can be conducted over the phone or in person. If a phone call isn’t the best way for you to meet, make sure you ask for a face-to-face meeting. It’s important that the meeting makes you feel as comfortable as possible.

You’re welcome to bring anyone you like to the planning meeting, including a family member, friend, advocate or someone from a service provider. The meeting can be long, so a support person will help you remember details and ask questions.

What should I do before my meeting?

You can get ready for your NDIS planning meeting by thinking carefully about how your funding can help you.

The questions below will help you explore your goals, opportunities and priorities. You can also talk about the things you want in your life with a group of people who support you. They may suggest things that you haven’t thought of yet.

As you’re working through the questions, you can write notes, make recordings, take pictures and draw mind maps.

NDIS plan managers Gold Coast


NDIS Plan Management


1. What’s important to you?

Your NDIS Plan is about you. It should reflect who you are, what you value, and the life you want to achieve. Sharing your experiences and interests will help you and your planner create a plan that’s right for you.

Think about some of the great things about you, and what you need to feel your best.

  • What are some things that you like and are good at?
  • What are some things that you need to stay safe and well?
  • Are there any things that make you unhappy, anxious or stressed?

2. What are your support needs?

In your planning meeting, you’ll be asked to describe how you manage your everyday activities. This helps your planner understand what your abilities are and what equipment, accommodation or help you need to take care of yourself or your home.

Think about what your week usually looks like and the activities that you do each day. It can be helpful to create a timetable showing what you do when. You can also take photos of your activities and equipment and bring them to the planning meeting.

  • Do you need any equipment, aids or consumables (e.g. bed protectors, incontinence pads)?
  • Do you need assistance with transport or vehicle modifications?
  • Are there any home modifications that you need?
  • Are there any areas in your life where you feel unsafe or where you might need extra help?

3. Who are your current supporters?

You’ll also be asked about the support you currently receive. This includes paid support like health services and help for work and social activities, as well as unpaid support from friends and family.

If possible, bring quotes from your service providers to your planning meeting to help guide your budget.

Think about who the important people are in your life and how much support they provide.

  • Do you get help from a support person to participate in your daily activities?
  • Who are your current service providers (e.g. speech therapists, occupational therapists, doctors, teachers)?
  • Are there any changes you’d like to make to the type or amount of support you currently receive?

4. What are your goals?

The next step is to think about the goals you want to set for your NDIS plan. Goals are things you want to achieve with the support from the NDIS and other supports and services. You should focus on what you need right now, as well as what you might need in the future.

Your goals might involve:

  • learning and education
  • finding and keeping a job
  • becoming more active in your community
  • Improving your housing options and living arrangements
  •  improving your health and wellbeing
  • improving relationships and making friends
  • becoming more independent
  • increasing control and choice in your life.

Think about what you enjoy about your life right now, and if there is anything you would change.

  • What are your interests or the things you love doing?
  • What currently works well and what doesn’t?
  • Are there new things that you would like to try?
  • What are your dreams and is there anything preventing you from having the life you want?
NDIS Planning Campbelltown Sydney Support Services

5. How will you manage your plan?

At your planning meeting, you’ll need to specify how your NDIS funds and supports will be managed. Funding can be managed by:

  • you or your nominee (such as a parent or family member)
  • a registered plan management provider, or
  •  the NDIA.

If you think you’ll have a lot of services and equipment to organise, you might be able to get funding for a Support Coordinator in Gold Coast to work with you.


Get the best outcome from your planning meeting

It’s important that you feel ready for your planning meeting and don’t feel pressured or overwhelmed.

With the right preparation, your NDIS plan can give you greater choice and control to achieve your goals and live the life you want.